SwissICT, the leading professional association in the Swiss ICT industry, has reached a significant milestone in cybersecurity. Since 2025, the organisation has held the prestigious ‘Cyber-Safe’ certificate, which was developed specifically for SMEs and organisations in Switzerland. This certification underscores SwissICT’s commitment to the highest standards of digital security and the protection of sensitive data.
The ‘Cyber-Safe’ certification comes at a time when Swiss companies are increasingly investing in their cyber security. According to a recent study, 70% of Swiss companies surveyed plan to increase their cyber security budget by at least 5%. This underlines the growing importance of cyber security in the Swiss economy.
SwissICT’s exemplary role in this area sets an important example for the entire ICT industry. As a professional association, SwissICT demonstrates that cybersecurity is not only an issue for large corporations, but should be a high priority for organisations of all sizes. This certification not only strengthens the confidence of members and partners in swissICT, but also promotes awareness of cybersecurity in the entire Swiss ICT landscape.